Our Board and Chairs
Our 2024-2025 Board and Chairs
Officers and Directors
President: Roni Meikle
Vice President: Terri Espy
Secretary: Linda Brownlee
Treasurer: Eric Larson
Assistant Treasurer: Barbara Capes
Internal Communications Director: Noreen Powell
External Communications Director: Bud Equi
Development Director: Betsey Andersen
Membership Director: Martha Hutchins
Technology Director: Susan Chapman
Activities Director: Laurie Nesbit
Activities Director: Harla Verman
A Plant Based Production: Simone Heyman (simoneheymanwfpb@gmail.com)
Bunco: Wendy Crowell, Judy Wells (LLbunco2@gmail.com)
Canasta: Diane & Paul Bloom (thewinelady2005@yahoo.com)
Causeway Cleanup: Courtney Fowler (causewaycleanup@gmail.com), Susan Ragland (sragland@fourseasonstvrl.com)
Cocktails with Friends: Dianne Bloom (thewinelady2005@yahoo.com)
Coed Gatherings for Singles: Marianne Claysmith (claysmith2@aol.com)
Community Service: Carol Stiles (carolstiles@gmail.com), Sue Souls (smsouls@gmail.com)
Girl Time: Jeff Dixon (jeffdixon1214@gmail.com), Chris Rudy (rudychristine@gmail.com), Katie Kilburg (kkproductions@mac.com)
Just Dance: Marilee Dalbey (marileedalbey@gmail.com)
Ladies Swiss Pairs Bridge: Karen Sellick (ksellick@bellsouth.net), Carol Young (chsy@comcast.net), Bobbi Erwin (berwin234@aol.com)
Let’s Walk: Bev Dalrymple (bevdal100@gmail.com)
LL Ladies Nine Holers: Jan Rosenbaum (landloverladies9@gmail.com)
LL Mah Jongg: Maureen Mezei, Patti Heleva (landloversmahjongg@gmail.com)
Magpie Ladies: Bernadette Maffei (bmaffei@comcast.net)
Marco Polo Club: Jane Hoven, Leanne Lenehan (llmarcopolo100@gmail.com)
Material Girls:
Men’s Action Movies: Dave Robinson (dave.robinson16@gmail.com)
Men’s Lunch Group: Dave Robinson, Martin Secofsky (llmenslunchgroup@gmail.com)
Mexican Train Dominoes: Lesa Thompson (lcthompson2761@gmail.com)
Modern Bridge: David Marbry (marbryd@outlook.com)
Photography Club: Larry Clay (landloversphotoclub@gmail.com)
Rambles: Kate Kastner (katekastner@icloud.com)
Second Harvest: Terry Lewis (terrylewis324@gmail.com)
Shall We Dance:
Spring Mixed Golf Event: Eileen Yost (eileennyrn@gmail.com)
Stitch and Bead: Leslie Mathews (lmathews50@gmail.com)
Trolley to the Arts: Jane Golz (golzjane@gmail.com), Marilee Dalbey (marileedalbey@gmail.com)
Socials Director: Sally O’Donnell
Socials Director: Betsy Taubman
Opening Reception: Sally O’Donnell, Betsy Taubman (landloversocials@gmail.com)
50th Anniversary Gala: Sally O’Donnell, Betsy Taubman (landloversocial@gmail.com)
Closing Celebration: Sally O’Donnell, Betsy Taubman (landloversocials@gmail.com)
Ways and Means Director: Hal Carr
Ways and Means Director: Judi Threlfall
Auctionmania: Eileen Yost (eileenyrn@gmail.com), Carolyn Schoenwald (Auen) (ccppssauen48@gmail.com)
Club Car Cart Raffle: Ralph Lewis (lewis288@msn.com)
Flea Market Pre-Intake: Tom Stephens (fleamarketintake@gmail.com)
Flea Market Intake Days: Janie Florenz (janie1040@gmail.com)
Flea Market:
Operations: Janie Florenz (janie1040@gmail.com)
Marketing-print: Anne Harper (aermedia@aol.com)
Marketing-external: Pat Dalbey (patrickdalbey@gmail.com)
Donations: Tom Stephens (tom.stephens@comcast.net)
Support Director: Mike Andrechak (mandrech@illinois.edu)
Volunteers: Michele Simari (michelesimari@gmail.com)
Volunteers: Julia Harrell (julia.harrell@comcast.net)
Landlovers 50th Anniversary Gala:
Private Chef Dinner Party Raffle: Julie Storm jstormdallas@gmail.com
Toys for Tots Holiday Cart Parade: Karen Duncan (khome44@gmail.com)
Events Portal: Lisa Equi
Scholarships & Merit Awards Committee Chair: Anne Weisel
Website: Kenna Kinsey